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C & G Level 2/3 Diploma in Process Technology (0610 -20/21/22 )

This qualification is aimed at candidates who:

  • are following Modern Apprenticeship programmes
  • require evidence towards the underpinning knowledge of an N/SVQ
  • seeking a technical certificate
  • wish for career progression within the Process Technology industry

Without evidence of formal qualifications, candidates must be able to demonstrate prior adequate knowledge and experience necessary to complete the course. This qualification is designed to contribute towards the knowledge and understanding for the N/SVQs in Process Technology Level 2, while containing additional skills and knowledge which go beyond the scope of the National Occupational Standards. These awards can be used as a technical certificate within a modern apprenticeship scheme.

Click here to view a full description of Level 2 Diploma

Click here to view a full description of Level 3 Diploma